Are you know About French? Or Are You Speaking the French Language? If You Know About French or If You want to Increase Your French Words Such as French Verbs, french Adjectives Etc Then we suggest you that you can see our today’s topics for learning some french words list. you know that french is a famous language and lots of people can use it. So, let’s try to learn it and stay tuned for getting some info about the list of french words. Because in our previous post we shared many topics of french words. That’s why here we just share French Words Beginning With S.
French Words Starting With S:
Saanich | Sabord | Sadoul |
Sabata | Sabordé | Sagami |
Sabbat | Sabra | Sacrées |
Sabbath | Sabots | Sacrums |
Sabins | Sabrer | Sachot |
Sabine | Saccade | Sacque |
Sabines | Saccage | Sacrum |
Sablage | Sachiko | Sacques |
Sacs | Saffir | Saint |
Sagesse | Sagone | Sainct |
Sagittal | Sagrada | Saints |
Sages | Saignée | Saipan |
Sage | Salaud | Saloon |
Salace | Saline | Salsas |
Sajou | Sales | Salutation |
Salami | Salicine | Salons |
Sample | Sangrias | Savant |
Sampler | Sarong | Scanner |
Samplers | Satoris | Scandiums |
Sangria | Satrapies | Schema |
Sarods | Sautoirs | Schemas |
Scheme | Supplanter | Supplier |
Scleroses | Scone | Supplément |
Scolex | Suppl | Suppléer |
Superposition | Suppliant | Supplétif |
Superpréfet | Supplicier | Supporteur |
Suppositoire | Supposé | Suppôt |
French Verbs Starting With S:
S’abaisser | S’achever | S’emporter |
S’abandonner | S’asseoir | S’empresser |
S’abattre | S’assimiler | Saborder |
S’acharner | S’associe | Sabouler |
S’accumuler | S’emplir | Saccader |
Sacrer | Salarier | Saliver |
Sanctionner | Sasser | Satiriser |
Sidérer | Siffler | Signaliser |
French Adjectives Starting With S:
Sabellien | Sagitté | Sale |
Sabéen | Salinier | Sinistre |
Sagittal | Salique | Savant |
Final Thoughts:
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