In this episode, We are sharing French words Beginning with A. Here we also share French Adjectives, French Verbs, and French nouns which start with A. So, if you check this post you will get more words and ideas about France. We are sure that You can learn new things from here. So, Keep going to see today’s episode to knowing lots of french words starting with A.
French Words Starting with A:
In this section, we are showing a more good French word list. We think this list will support you to know about the french word name.
- Abaissement
- Arnaud
- Abaisser
- Abandonné
- Alexis
- Allergique
- Alphonse
- Arracher
- Assuré
- Antoine
- Antoinette
- Appui
- Augustin
- Au pif
- Autant
- Abat-jour
- Abâtardi
- Abdiquer
- Abattant
- Abattement
- Abécédaire
- Abattre
- Abaisser
- Abattre
- Absent
- Abbesse
- Abc
- Abcès
- Abattoir
- Adélaïde
- Adieu
- Adrienne
- Acadie
- Accablant
- Actif
- Actualité
- Amaury
- Américain
- Anastasie
- Anglais
- Affubler
- Aimé
- Aimée
- Alexandrie
- Astrid
- Au fait
- Auguste
- Abattis
- Abdomen
- Abdomens
- Au secours !
- Avec elle
- Abandons
- Abatis
- Abrasive
- Abrasives
- Abominable
- Acceder
- Abies
- Abject
- Ables
- Abolitions
- Abdication
- Acclimations
- Accedes
- Abandonner
- Abasourdi
- Abasourdir
- Absenter
- Absents
- Able
- Abeille
- Acidifies
- Abstinences
- Abstract
- Accuser
- Adaptions
- Ache
- Acceptee
- Acceptees
- Acidoses
- Acierates
- Accuses
- Ace
- Adapter
- Achene
- Acres
- Acridine
- Adhesive
- Adhesives
French Adjectives Starting With A:
In this section, we can learn the French adjectives list which starts with A. So check it and learn more.
- Abbatial
- Absorbable
- Acajou
- Abdominal
- Acadien
- Absolutoire
- Acceptable
- Accessible
- Abréviatif
- Abricot
French Verbs Starting with A
From this part, You can learn French Verbs starting with A. Check it for knowing more french verbs name list.
- Abonnir
- Abominer
- Abonner
- Aquareller
- Abîmer
- Arabiser
- Abouter
- Abréger
- Aboucher
- Abaisser
- Aberrer
- Abasourdir
- Abâtardir
- Abouler
- Abriter
French Nouns Starting With A:
Here we share only two nouns of french. so keep reading and learn more about french nouns.
- Argent
- Année
French Words Starting with A | Infographic |
Final Thoughts:
At last, we are very happy for you. Because we seem you got more new words which you did not know. So, we recommend you please learn all names which you don’t know.