Are you searching for Body part names in french? then this episode will help to know body parts name. Cause here we share lots of human body parts name in french.
So, we recommend you that please see one by one for learning more french body parts name.
Body Parts In French:
Here we will include some Body parts list in France. if you seem that as a human being, every people need to know body parts name then you can check it now for knowing about body parts names in french.
- le corps: body
- une tête: head
- une oreille: ear
- un cœur: heart
- un nez: nose
- une lèvre: lip
- un genou: knee
- un bras: arm
- un coude: elbow
- une main: hand
- un pouce: thumb
- n orteil: toe
- Le dos: back
- Le bras: arm
- La jambe: leg
- Le pied: foot
- la joue
- la main
- le coude
- le menton
- le doigt
- la gorge
- le poignet
- La cuisse
- la hanche
- la jambe
- l’estomac
- Le dos
- la pouce
- a langue
- La bouche
- La poitrine
- la bouche
- la paume
- le ventre
- La hanche
- Le bras
- Le pied
- Les jambes
- le front
- La main]
- Les cheveux
- Les mains
- La tête
Final Thought:
Lastly, we just tell you thanks for reading this episode. Please make a note of which part names you don’t know Because we seem it’s essential for knowing every person.