Adverbs use to indicate manner, place, time, frequency, degree, etc. And they can be very useful in adding detail and nuance to your writing and speaking.
As well, Adverbs use to make a sentence more engaging and explanatory. They can make your writing fantastic and creative.
When we use them correctly, they can add spice to our writing and speaking. But when we use them incorrectly, they can make our writing sound lazy or amateurish.
So, it is necessary for us to know about the different types of adverbs and their usage. That’s why I recommend that you Keep reading this helpful guide to learn more about adverbs that start with L.
Adverbs That Start With L:
In this segment, I am going to discuss more interesting and perfect adverbs starting with L. I hope this list will give you support to knowing about adverbs.
Liberally | Likewize | Largely |
Lenitively | Locatively | Lucratively |
Laxly | Leggiero | Landwards |
Loudly | Loud | Longtermly |
Likelily | Livelily | Lamentedly |
Lachrymosely | Loveably | Longwise |
Loc Cit | Lightly | Longwhiles |
Lighthanded | Later | Lecherously |
Lullingly | Languorously | Limitedly |
Labouriously | Lustingly | Limb-meal |
Liftingly | Liposomally | Luringly |
Lustily | Labyrinthinely | Longsomely |
Lovely | Lispingly | Liberatingly |
Libellously | Locationally | Londonwards |
Lurkingly | Liked to | Limberly |
Light-handedly | Leadenly | Labourously |
Leef | Light | Likely |
Lugubriously | Like to | Lordly |
Lambently | Lucidly | Lustfully |
Leglessly | Lateish | Lauditorily |
Lingeringly | Lengthwise | Lissomly |
Lovably | Laterocaudally | Leisurely |
Longly | Literately | Lifelessly |
Little by little | Lifeward | Late on |
Lamentoso | Lobately | Lewdly |
Lightheadedly | Latively | Lit’rally |
Lateward | Long | Liplessly |
Liquidly | Lifesomely | Lupinely |
Lagly | Loofward | Louringly |
Linklessly | Leewards | Lives |
Literally | Lentivirally | Limblessly |
Labside | Lak | Listwise |
Labouredly | Lion-heartedly | Letterly |
Logistically | Leoninely | Lengthways |
Languente | Lilliputianly | Leastways |
Lacklusterly | Loathsomely | Light-mindedly |
Limbward | Level-handed | Loquaciously |
Lamellarly | Lonelily | Lenticularly |
Lineally | Lexicologically | Laterally |
Loglinearly | Lightfootedly | Leggiadro |
Last thing | Luxuriantly | Lang |
Liltingly | Lasse | Labially |
Longhand | Lurchingly | Leafily |
Leeward | Lastly | Latinly |
Levelly | Lightheartedly | Lovingly |
Laterodorsally | Litotically | Logically |
Lanceolately | Late | Logorrheically |
Lukewarmly | Leftwards | Latitudinally |
Loiteringly | Lacteously | Libidinally |
Laughably | Loyally | Lankily |
Legato | Lethally | Limbmeal |
Lit | Levitically | Languidly |
Legit | Linguaculturally | Limitlessly |
Long since | Lefthandedly | Losslessly |
Lamely | Levelhanded | Logologically |
Last night | Legalistically | Luculently |
Looard | Lifely | Locally |
Laughingly | Lavishly | Lumpenly |
Longways | Lousily | Lionheartedly |
Lately | Lovelessly | Lividly |
Laggardly | Lively | Lateroventrally |
Loathly | Lagrimoso | Linearly |
Like shit | Lysogenically | Lasting |
Labouringly | Limnologically | Lacrimoso |
Later on | Lustrously | Louchely |
Leptonically | Laterward | Lightsomely |
Positive Adverbs Starting With L:
In these small segments, I will give you some words of positive adverbs where every adverb will begin with L.
Lithely | Lambently | Longingly |
Lightly | Lustily | Legibly |
Largely | Livelily | Lavishly |
Liberally | Luminously | Liberatingly |
Logically | Like-mindedly | Legendarily |
Laudably | Literately | Likably |
Lingeringly | Lovably | Learnedly |
Limpidly | Lyrically | Liberally |
Adverbs That Start With L – Info Image:
I think everyone has understood the advantages of adverbs and why we will use them in our writing and speaking. As well as, you have learned many adverbs starting with L. If you want to learn A-Z adverbs, you can check our previous and upcoming articles.